1 曼城華人社團聯合會
Federation of Chinese Association of Manchester (FCAM)
Address: 1st Floor, 12 Newton Street, Manchester, M1 2AN, United Kingdom
Tel: (44) 0161 236 3933
Fax: (44) 0161 236 3933
Email: sec@fcam.org.uk
Website: http://www.fcam.org.uk
2 倫敦華埠商會
The London Chinatown Chinese Association
Address: 3rd Floor, 45 Gerrard Street, London, W1D 5QQ, United Kingdom
Tel: (44) 20-7851 6686/(44) 20-7437 6888
Fax: (44) 20-7851 7427
Email: Info@lccauk.com
Website: http://www.thelondonchinatown.org.uk; www.lccauk.com
3 英國中華工商聯合會
The Confederation of Chinese Business (UK)
Address: c/o Unit 6, Wing Yip Business Centre, 395 Edgware Road,
London, NW2 6LN, United Kingdom
(3rd Floor. 19 Gerrard Street, London, WLD 6JP, United Kingdom)
Tel: (44) 20-7734 3718
Fax: (44) 20-8438 6788
Email: ken.yau@btinternet.com
4 西北華商會
Northwest Chinese Chamber of Trade
Address: 15 Northenden Road, Sale, Cheshire, S40 2DD, United Kingdom
Tel: (44) 161-4854193
5 北愛爾蘭華商總會
Chinese Chamber of Commerce N. I.
Address: 17 Eblana Street, Belfast, BT7 1LD, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
(133-135 University Street, Belfast, BT7 1HQ, United Kingdom)
Tel: (44) 28-90288222/028-9028-8277
Fax: (44) 28-90205063
Website: http://www.bedese.com/community/display.asp?id=53
1 法國華人進出口商會
Association Franco-Chinoise de Commerce
Address: 87-95, Avenue Victor Hugo, 93300 Aubervilliers, France
Tel: (33) 1-4833-9291
Website: http://www.franceqw.com/portal-topic-topicid-16.html
2 法國華人經貿協會
Tel: (33) 662327899
Fax: (33) 141570933
3 法國法華工商聯合會
Association des Commerants et Industriels, Franco-chinois
Address: 41, Rue de la Folie Mericourt, 75011, Paris, France
Tel: (33) 148071805
Fax: (33) 148347629
Email: zhangjianchar@gmail.com
4 法國華人貿易促進會
Association des commercants pour le Developpement des Echanges Chine-France
Address: 11, Route de Saint-Leu, 95360 Montmagny, France
Tel: (33) 1-34283572
Fax: (33) 1-48890826/1-39838306/1-39838206
5 法國中華會館
Association des Chinos en France
Address: 12, Rue Bellot, 75019, Paris, France
Tel: (33) 6-85105588/1-40375512/1-4239-5382
Fax: (33) 1-45867530/6-8638-8716
Email: paulting@free.fr, ming_boupha@hotmail.com
1 華僑華人聯合總會
Address: A2503 Steubenstr. 46, D-68001 Mannheim, Germany
Tel: (49) 1717424687
Email: hxz571213@yahoo.com.cn
1 鹿特丹區華商會
Vereniging Chinese Ondernemers Rotterdam E.O. (V.C.O.R.)
Address: Mauritsweg 31, 3012 JT, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Tel: (31) 010-2132402/(31) 010-4386-838/(31) 010-214 19 68
Fax: (31) 010-2132402/(31) 010-4380701
2 阿姆斯特丹華商會
Vereniging Chinese Ondernemers Amsterdam
Address: Geldersekade 116, 1012 BN, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tel: (31) 020-5307272/020-6222820
Fax: (31) 020-5307260/020-6222820
3 荷蘭華人總會
Address: Oudeweg 2, 7088 SR Hulshorst, Netherlands
Tel: (31) 0654-654-789
Email: cfting@hotmail.com
4 荷蘭中國商會
Dutch Chinese Chamber of Commerce(DCCC)
Address: President Kennedylaan 19, 2517 JK, Hague, Netherlands
Tel: (31) 70-3262598
Fax: (31) 70-3262599
Email: info@dccc.nl
Website: http://www.dccc.nl
1 奧地利華人商會
Tel: (43) 664 2737538
Fax: (43) 1-6024790
Website: http://www.achina.at/00/v-sh.htm
2 奧地利奧中國際經濟貿易促進會
Osterreichisch Chinesische Gesellschaft für internationale Wirtschaftsfrderung
Address: Grieskirchner Strasse 75, 4701 Bad Schallerbach, Austria
Tel: (43) 7249-48024
Fax: (43) 724948024 – 14
Email: nitieping@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.oecgiw.com/indexmain.htm
3 奧地利中華工商業聯合會
Tel: (43) 0577-8815058/8826848
Fax: (43) 577-8826848
4 奧地利中國關係促進會
Organisation zur Unterstützung der sterreichisch-chinesischen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen
Address: Theresianumgasse 7/6.Stock, A1040 Wien, Austria
(北京代表处,北京市朝阳光华路甲14 号100020,北京代表处首席代表: 袁忠)
Tel: (43) 1 869 55 24/0086 (10) 5130 9858
Fax: (43) 1 869 55 249/0086 (10) 5130 9764
Website: www.oecb.org
1 比利時華人經貿商會
Tel: (32) 25381078/25381005
Fax: (32) 25381078
1 意大利威尼斯華僑華人總商會
Tel: (39) 049 604530
Fax: (39) 049 8766212
2 意大利羅馬華僑華人貿易總會
Tel: (39) 06-44703039
Fax: (39) 06-49382710
3 意大利那不勒斯華商會
Associazione Di Commercio Cinese In Napoli
Address: Via Pasguale Scura 56, 80134 Napoli, Italy
Tel: (39) 081-5520888
Fax: (39) 081-5517527
Email: jingquan666@hotmail.com, mandarin.bags@gmail.com, mandarin.bags@tin.it
4 意大利華商總會
Tel: (39) 06-8606988/6783406
Fax: (39) 06-86206181
5 意大利米蘭華僑華人商貿聯合總會
Tel: (39)-02-34922302
Fax: (39)-02-6622031
6 意大利華商總會普拉托商會
Assiciazione Generale di Commercio Italo-Cinese
Address: Via Pistoiese 73, 59100 Prato(po), Italy
Tel: (39)-57422747
Email: shanghui@interfree.it, lankingcomputer@msn.com
1 挪威華商會
Tel: (47) 55 318472
Email: kan-c@broadpark.no
1 葡萄牙中華總商會
Associacao De Comerciantes E Industriais Luso-Chinesa(, ACILC)
Address: Rua Calcada do Rio, 53, Lj1-L2 Alges, 1495 Lisboa, Portugal
Tel: (351) 2141-21696/(351) 2146-67714/(351) 9640-01198/963 020 896
Fax: (351) 2146-67714/(351) 2146-67973
Email: mhchoi@estoril-sol.com, Zhanpt@gmail.com, summerpt@gmail.com
1 西班牙華人企業聯合會
Tel: (34) 916214888
Email: (34) 916214889
1 莫斯科華僑華人聯合會
Tel: (7) 095-7715841/7666518
Email: (7) 095-9741776/2689902
1 美國華僑總商會
Sino American Chamber
Address: 84 Bowery, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10013, USA
(16 Bowery Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10013, USA)
Tel: (1) 212-4313791/(1) 212-2331000/(1) 212-2261000/(1) 212-2199897
Fax: (1) 212-6931571/(1) 212-2199337
2 美國中華團體工商聯合會
Alliance of Chinese American Group in the USA
Address: 1709 N. Spring St., Los Angeles, CA 90012, USA
(808 N. Spring St, Los Angeles, CA 90012, USA)
Tel: (1) 323-223-1308/(1) 213-626-1855
Fax: (1) 323-223-6218
3 美國華商(總)會
US Chinese Chamber of Commerce
Address: 2-39 54th Ave. Long Island City, NY 11101, USA
Tel: (1) 718-628-6666
Fax: (1) 718-706-1586
Email: kary@usccc.net, usccc17@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.usccc.net
4 美國中國商會
China Chamber of Commerce in USA
Address: The Empire State Building, 350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 7106,
New York, NY 10118, USA
(100 Lighting Way, 4/F, Secaucus, NJ 07094, USA.)
Tel: (1) 212-695-8008/ (1) 201-422-8572/(1) 201-422-8880
Fax: (1) 212-695-0071/ (1) 201-422-8558/(1) 201-392-3754
Email: chinaus.net@verizon.net, chinaus.net@verizon.net
5 美國中國總商會- 紐約分會
Chinese General Chamber of Commerce – USA
Address: 19 East 48th Street, New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-826-5890/212-826-5895
Fax: 212-888-4320
6 美國華商總會
U.S. Chinese American Association of Commerce
Address: 778 Clay Street, #A, San Francisco, CA 94108, USA
Tel: (1) 415-362-4306
Fax: (1) 415-362-1478
7 美華總商會
Address: 42-32 College Point Blvd., Flushing, NY 11355, USA.
Tel: (1) 718-888-0668
Fax: (1) 718-888-7738
8 美國紐約華人總商會
New York Chinese Business Association
Address: 29D Ludlow Street, New York, NY 10002, USA
Tel: (1) 212-349-6800
Fax: (1) 212-349-5050
Email: info@nycba.us
Website: http://www.nycba.us
9 紐約中華商會
Tel: (212) 696 4968
Fax: (212) 696 4971
10 馬裏蘭-中國商業委員會
Maryland-China Business Council, Inc.
Address: 4340 East West Highway, Suite 1100, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA.
(P.O. Box 4136, Crofton, Maryland 21114, USA)
Tel: (1) 410-451-0025/(1) 202-293-6866
Fax: (1) 410-510-1634
Email: mcbc@mcbc.net
Website: http://www.mcbc.net
11 休士頓中華總商會
Houston Chinese Chamber of Commerce
Address: 12129 Bellaire Blvd. Houston, TX 77072, USA.
Tel: (1) 713-4984310
Fax: (1) 713-4982728
12 羅省中華總商會
Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles
Address: 977 North Broadway G/Fl, Suite E, Los Angeles, CA 90012, USA.
Tel: (213) 617-0396
Fax: (213) 617-2128
Email: info@lachinesechamber.org
Website: http://www.lachinesechamber.org
13 夏威夷中華總商會
Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii
Address: 8, S King Street, Suit 201, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, USA
Tel: (1) 808-5333181
Fax: (1) (808) 537-6767
14 底特律中華商會
Detroit Chinese Business Association(DCBA)
Address: 24100 Southfield Road, Suite 320, Southfield, MI 48075, USA.
Tel: (1) 248-327-3856
Fax: (1) 248-557-7141
Email: info@dcba.com, lyan@dcba.com
Website: http://www.dcba.com
1 關島中華總商會
United Chinese Association of Guam
Address: G5 Hafa Adai Exchange Marine Drive, P. O. Box 8128, Guam 96931
Tel: (671)-646-7218/(671)-646-9778
Fax: (671) 646-7218/(671) 646-9768
Email: fongwu@pacsunny.com
1 多倫多華商會
Toronto Chinese Business Association (TCBA)
Address: 1220 Ellesmere Road, Unit 13, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M1P 2X5
Tel: (1) 416-595-0313
Fax: (1) 416-595-7334
Email: Office@tcbacanada.com
Website: http://www.tcbacanada.com
2 列治文山市•萬錦市華商會
Richmond Hill & Markham Chinese Business Association (RHMCBA)
Address: 360 Highway 7 East, Lower Level One,
Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada, L4B 3Y7
Tel: (905) 731 8806
Fax: (905) 731 8867
Email: info@rhmcba.ca
Website: www.rhmcba.ca
3 溫哥華華埠商會
Vancouver Chinatown Merchants Association
Address: 508 Taylor Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6B 6M4
Tel: (1) 604-6828998
Fax: (604) 682 8939
Email: vcma@vancouver-chinatown.com
4 加拿大-中國商會
Canada-China Business Association
Address: Suite 825-826, 6081 No.3 Road, Richmond, B.C., Canada, V6Y 2B2
Tel: (1) 604-248-8445
Email: ccba2@ccba.bc.ca, ccba1997@gmail.com
Website: http://www.ccba.bc.ca
5 北美/加拿大華人經貿總商會
Tel: (1) 604-6382297
Fax: (1) 604-6382298
6 加拿大華人經貿總商會
Tel: (1) 905-6950177
Fax: (1) 905-6950178
7 港加商會
The Hong Kong-Canada Business Association, National (HKCBA)
Address: # 220-1050 West Pender Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6E 357
Tel: (1) 604-684 2410
Fax: (1) 604-684 6208
Email: nationaled@hkcba.com, toronto@hkcba.com
Website: http://www.hkcba.com
8 加拿大中華商會
Chinese Business Chamber of Canada
Address: 1027 McNicoll Avenue, Toronto, ON Canada, M1W 3W6
Tel: (1) 416-366-0966
Fax: (1) 416-366-1818
Email: ToCBCC@gmail.com, who@chinesebusiness.ca
Website: www.chinesebusiness.ca; www.chinesebusiness.org
9 溫哥華華埠商業促進會
Vancouver Chinatown Business Improvement Area Society
Address: 508 Taylor Street, Vancouver, BC Canada, V6B 6M4
Tel: (1) 604-632-3808
Fax: (1) 604-632-3809
Email: vcbia@vancouver-chinatown.com
Website: http://www.vancouver-chinatown.com
10 加拿大中國總商會
Canadian Chinese General Chamber of Industry & Commerce
Address: 250 Consumers Road, Suite 402, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M2J 4V6
Tel: (1) 416-5029199
Fax: (1) 416-9461385
Email: info@ccgc.com
Website: http://www.ccgc.com
11 加中企業家協會
SinoCann Entrepreneurs Association
Address: 2900 Steeles Ave. East, P. O. Box 94607, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada, L3T 7R5
Tel: (1) (416) 754-9588
Fax: (1) 905-814-8255
Email: info@CanadaChinaBusiness.com
1 中國國際貿易促進委員會
China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
Address: 北京復興門外大街1號 (郵編100860)
Tel: (86) 10-88075000
Fax: (86) 10-68011370
Email: webmaster@ccpit.org
2 中華全國工商業聯合會
All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce
Address: 北京西城區德勝門西大街70號(郵編:100035)
Tel: (86) 10-58050735
Fax: (86) 10-58050735
Email: acfic@acfic.org.cn
Website: http://www.acfic.org.cn
1 香港中華總商會
The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce
Address: 香港中環幹諾道中24-25號香港中華總商會大廈4字樓
﹙4/F., CGCC Building, 24-25 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong)
Tel: (852) 2525-6385
Fax: (852) 2845-2610
Email: cgcc@cgcc.org.hk
Website: http://www.cgcc.org.hk
1 中華海峽兩岸經貿文化協會
Fax: (886)-2-23708567
2 台灣省進出口商業同業公會
Taiwan Importer & Exporters Chamber of Commerce
Address: 台灣台北市復興北路二號十四樓B座
Tel: (886) 02-27731155
Fax: (886) 02-27731159
Email: service@tiec.org.tw
Website: http://www.tiec.org.tw
3 台灣省工業會
Taiwan Provincial Industrial Association
Address: 台灣台北市復興北路二號十四樓B座
Tel: (886) 02-27074339
Fax: (886) 02-27074341
Email: taso@tfoi.org.tw
Website: https://www.tpia-taiwan.org.tw
4 台湾全國工業總會
Chinese National Federation of Industries
Address: 台灣台北市復興南路一段390號12樓
Tel: (886) 02-27033500
Fax: (886) 02-2705-8317
Email: cnfi@cnfi.org.tw, tpia@ms17.hinet.net
Website: http://www.cnfi.org.tw/kmportal/front/bin/home.phtml
5 台湾工商協進會(台灣)
Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce, Taiwan (CNAIC)
Address: 台灣台北市106復興南路一段390號13F
Tel: (886) 02-27070111
Fax: (886) 02-27070977
Email: service@cnaic.org
Website: http://www.cnaic.org
6 世界台灣商會聯合總會
World Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce
Address: 台灣台北市北平東路 30 號 13 樓之 3
Tel: (886) 02-23211822
Fax: (886) 02-23211733
Email: jerry.su@tidgroup.com, wtccmail@ms67.hinet.net
Website: http://www.wtcc.org.tw
Taiwan Federation of Industry
Address: 台灣台北市敦化南路二段2 號3 樓之2
Tel: (886) 02-27074339
Fax: (886) 02-27074341
Website: http://www.tfoi.org.tw
1 澳門廠商聯合會
Industrial Association of Macau
Address: 澳門羅保博士街34-36號廠商會大廈十七樓
Rua do Dr. Pedro Jose Lobo, No.34-36, Edf. A.I.M. 17 andar, Macau
Tel: (853) 2857 4125
Fax: (853) 2857 8305
Email: info@madeinmacau.net, aim@macau.ctm.net
Website: http://www.madeinmacau.net
2 澳門中華總商會
Macau Chamber of Commerce
Address: 澳門新口岸上海街175號中華總商會大廈5樓
Rua De Xangai 175, Ed. ACM. 5, Macau
Tel: (853) 28576833
Fax: (853) 28594513
Email: acmmcc@macau.ctm.net
Website: http://www.acm.org.mo
3 澳門出入口商會
Address: 澳門殷皇子大馬路60-62號中央商業中心3樓
Av. do Infante D. Henrique No. 60-62, 3oandar, Centro Comercial Central, Macau.
Tel: (853) 28553187/ (853) 28375859
Fax: (853) 28512174
Email: aeim@macau.ctm.net
Website: www.macauexport.com
1 新加坡中華總商會
Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Address: 9 Jurong Town Hall Road, #04-01, Trade Association Hub, Jurong Town Hall, Singapore 609431
Tel: (65) 6337 8381
Fax: (65) 6339 0605
Email: corporate@sccci.org.sg
Website: www.sccci.org.sg
1 泰國中華總商會
Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce
Address: 889 Thai C.C. Tower, 9th Floor, Sathorn Road, Bangkok 10120, Thailand
Tel: (662) 6758574-84
Fax: (662) 2123916
Email: info@thaicc.org
Website: www.thaicc.org
2 泰國工業總會
The Federation of Thai Industries
Address: 223/90-91 Country Complex A Bldg. 17th Fl., Sanphawut Road,
Bangna, Bangkok 10260, Thailand
Tel: 66-2-3984671-2
Fax: 66-2-3984672
Email: attathailand@hotmail.com, dahongpao123@hotmail.com
Website: www.thaicci.org
1 馬來西亞中華總商會
The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM)
Address: 6th Fl., Wisma Chinese Chamber, 258 Jalan Ampang,
50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: (60) 3-4260 3090/ 3091/ 3092/ 3093/ 3094/ 3095
Fax: (60) 3-42603080
Email: acccim@acccim.org.my
Website: http://www.acccim.org.my
2 馬來西亞中國經濟貿易總商會
Malaysia-China Chamber Of Commerce
Address: No 8-2, Jalan Metro Pudu, Fraser Business Park, Off Jalan Yew,
55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: (60) 3-92231188/03-92221506
Fax: (60) 3-9222 1548
Email: mccc.sec@mccc.my
Website: http://www.mccc.my
1 橫濱華僑總會
Yokohama Chinese-Overseas Association
Address: 橫濱市中區山下町126番地の1 中華大廈
(No.126-1 Yamashita-cho, Naka-Ku, Yokohama, Japan)
Tel: (81) 456418606
Fax: (81) 456631490
Email: zonghui@yokohama-chinese.gr.jp
Website: http://www.yokohama-chinese.gr.jp
2 大阪華僑總會
Osaka Overseas Chinese General Association
Address: 〒550-0004大阪市西區靭本町3-9-18
(3-9-18 Utsubohonmachi, Nishi-Ku, Osaka, Japan)
Tel: (81) 6-64480541
Fax: (81) 6-64480545
3 日本中華總商會
Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Japan
Address: 〒104-0061 東京都中央區銀座8-2-12 東京華僑會館3F
(Tokyo Kakyo Kaikan 3F, 8-2-12 Ginza Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan)
Tel: (81) 3-3575 5050
Fax: (81) 3-3575 1005
Email: info@cccj.jp
Website: http://www.cccj.jp
4 東京華僑總會
Tokyo Association of Chinese Residents
Address: 〒104-0061東京都中央區銀座8-2-12東京華僑會館6F, Tokyo, Japan
Tel: (81)-3 3571 7611
Fax: (81)-3 3572 9657
Email: tkyinfo@tokyo-chinese.com
Website: http://www.tokyo-chinese.com
5 神戶中華總商會
Kobe Chinese Chamber of Commerce
Address: Kcc Building 3-1-1 Kaigan – Dori Chuo-Ku Kobe 650-0024, Japan
Tel: (81)-783311277
Fax: (81)-783339454
1 韓國中華總商會
Korea Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KCCCI)
Address: 10 Floor Seoyeong Building, 57-9 Seosomun-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea
Tel: (82) 2-6001-8888
Fax: (82) 2-6001-8889
Email: hwaintimes@hotmail.com
Website: www.kccci.or.kr
1 菲律濱台灣工商總會
Taiwan Chamber of Commerce & Industry in the Philippines, Inc.
Address: Unit 203 First Global Bldg. 122 Gamboa St. Cor. Salcedo St., Legaspi Village,
Makati City, Philippines
Tel: (63) 2-8929009
Fax: (63) 2-8190323
Email: tccip@hotmail.com
Website: http://tcci.weebly.com/index.html
2 菲華商聯總會
Federation of Filipino-Chinese Chambers of Commerce & Industry Inc. (FFCCCII)
Address: 6th Floor, Federation Center, Muelle de Binondo, Binondo
Manila 1006 Philippines
Tel: (63) 2-2419201-5
Fax: (63) 2-2422361/(63) 2-2422347
Email: ffcccii@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.ffcccii.com.ph
3 宿霧菲華商會
Cebu Filipino-Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry Inc. (CFCCC)
Address: P. O. Box 163, J Llorente Street (Fuente Osmena), Cebu City, Philippines
Tel: (63) 32-2535586/(63) 32-2552988
Fax: (63) 32-2535583
Email: fanbo_cebu@yahoo.com.ph
4 中資企業菲律賓協會
Address: G/F Bank of China, Philam Life Tower, 8767 Paseo de Roxas,
Makati City, Philippines
Tel: (63) 8850470(63) 8850547, 48
1. 印度尼西亞中華總商會
Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association
地址:Sahid Sudirman Center 57 Floor unit B-C,
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 86, Jakarta Pusat 10220, Indonesia
電話:(62) 21-50868200
電郵: perpitadm@yahoo.com
website: www.perpit.or.id
2. 印尼華裔總會
Chinese Indonesia Association
地址:Tower B, MGK Kemayoran, Jl. Angkasa No.kav B6 Lantai 10, Gn. Sahari Sel., Kec. Kemayoran, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10610
電話:(62) 21-29371204
3. 印中商務理事會
Indonesia China Business Council (ICBC)
地址:Maspion Plaza Lt. 6-G, Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 18,
Jakarta 14420 Indonesia
(Gedung Pusat Niaga Lt.4, Arena PRJ Kemayoran, Jakarta 10620 Indonesia)
電話:(62) 21-6470 1262/(62) 21 3910947
傳真:(62) 21-6470 1261/(62) 21-6678353/(62) 21-6612338
電郵: icbccenter@yahoo.com
1 老撾中國商會
Address: Ban Sithanneua Luang Prang Rd. P.O.Box 2161, Vientiane, Lao.P.D.R.
Tel: (856) 21-213870
Fax: (856) 21-212822
Email: mythliuzg@hotmail.com
2 老撾中國和平統一促進會
Dragon World Industries Corporation
Address: 13 Unit 02 Ban Tharluang Tai, P.O.Box 638, Vientiane, Lao P.D.R
Tel: (856) 21-413040
Fax: (856) 21-414156
Email: vlvtrade@yahoo.com
1 汶萊斯巿中華總商會
Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Bandar Seri Begawan
Address: 4th Floor, Chinese Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 72 Jalan Roberts, BSB, BS8711
Negara Brunei Darussalam
Tel: (673) 2235 494/5/6
Fax: (673) 2235 492/3
Email: ccc@brunet.bn
Website: www.bruneichinesechamber.org
2 汶萊建築商公會
Brunei Building Contractors’ Association
Address: 7 Bangunan Lo Kum Mui, Simpang 614, Jalan Tutong, G P O Box 532,
Bandar Seri Begawan BS 8671, Negara Brunei Darussalam
Tel: (673) 2-651933
Fax: (673) 2-651935
3 汶萊馬來奕縣中華商會
Address: Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Kuala Belait, P.O.Box 68, Jalan Pretty,
Kuala Belait 6000, KA1189, Negara Brunei Darussalam
Tel: (673) 3334374/(673) 8726888
Fax: (673) 3333883
Email: hongft@brunet.bn, cccbrunei@brunet.bn
1 柬埔寨金邊總商會
Phnom Penh Chamber of Commerce
Address: Building No.7D, Russian Blvd, Sangkat Tek Laok 1,
Khan Toul Kok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Tel: (855) 23-880 795
Fax: (855) 23-881 757
Email: info@ppcc.org.kh
Website: www.ppcc.org.kh
2 柬華理事總會
Address: No.110C, Mao Tse Tong Blvd. Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: (855) 23-364266
Fax: (855) 23-211481
3 柬埔寨中國港澳僑商總會
The China Hong Kong & Macao Expatriate & Business Association of Cambodia
Address: 2nd Floor, UCB Bldg, No.61, 130 Road Psa Chas Quarter
Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: (855) 23-216880
Fax: (855) 23-216880
Website: http://www.chkmeba.com.kh
1 越南中國商會
Business Association of China in Vietnam
Address: Room 403 17t1 Building, Troung Hoa Nhan Chinh, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: (84) 4-35569786/(84) 4-62510025
Fax: (84) 4-62510027
Email: vietchina@qq.com, vietchina@vietchina.com
1 緬甸工商聯合會
The Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI)
Address: No.29, Min Ye Kyawswa Road, Lanmadaw Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel: (95) 1-245607/(95) 1-246673/(95) 1-214344/214349
Fax: (95) 1-289582/(95) 1-214484
Website: www.umfcci.com.mm
2 緬甸華商商會
Myanmar Chinese Chamber of Commerce
Address: No.1-5, Shwe Dagon Pagoda Road, Latha Township, Yangon, Myanmar
Tel: (95) 1-246076/(95) 9-5505586/95-501441
Fax: (95) 1-371549
Email: mccoc@myanmar.com.mm, mccoc5@gail.com
Website: http://www.mhwmm.com/user/index.asp?id=4590
1 旅蒙華僑協會
Tel: (976) 11-687073
Fax: (976) 11-328078
2 蒙古國中華總商會
Tel: (976) 11636388
Fax: (976) 11636226
1 新西蘭華人商會
New Zealand Chinese Chamber of Commerce
Address: 19A City Garden, 76 Albert St. CBD, New Zealand
(PO Box:911400 Victoria St. Auckland, New Zealand)
Tel: (64) 9-3651188
Fax: (64) 21538788
Email: gslterry@hotmail.com
1 維省華人專業總會
Chinese Professional and Business Association (CPBA)
Address: G. P. O. Box 1811Q, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3001
Tel: (61) 3-417 1455/(61) 3-9608-8427/(61) 3-9225-8427
Fax: (61) 3-419 9864/(61) 3-9642-1141/(61) 3-9225-6732
Email: admin@cpba.com.au
Website: http://www.cpba.com.au
2 澳洲維多利亞中華總商會
Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Victoria
Address: 19/8 Wells St., South Melbourne, Victoria 3006 Australia
Tel: (61) 3-9686 3318/(61) 424 663 363
Fax: (61) 3-9686 3328
Email: mail@chinesechambervic.com.au, president@chinesechambervic.com.au
Website: http://www.cccv.com.au
3 西澳中華總商會
The Western Australian Chinese Chamber of Commerce Inc. (WACCC)
Address: 1304 Hay Street, West Perth, Western Australia 6005, Australia
(P.O. Box 7324, Cloisters Square, Perth WA 6005, Australia)
Tel: (61) 8-9481 8228/(61) 8-9481 9288
Fax: (61) 8-9481 8288
Email: admin@waccc.com.au
Website: www.waccc.com.au
4 澳洲中國和平統一促進會
The Australian Council for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China (ACPPRC)
Address: Suite 97, Level 9, 420 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Tel: (61) 2-9281 8911
Fax: (61) 2-9281 8966
Email: info@acpprc.org.au
Website: http://www.acpprc.org.au
5 澳大利亞國際青年商會
Address: P.O. Box 341, Kogarah NSW 2217 Australia
Tel: (61) 2-96876688/(61) 2-95876699
Fax: (61) 2-95887105
6 南澳中華總商會
Chinese Chamber of Commerce South Australia
Address: 115A Gouger Street, Adelaide 5000, Australia
Tel: (61) 8-8410 5838
Fax: (61) 8-8410 4757
Email: office@chinesechamber.com.au
Website: http://www.chinesechamber.com.au
1 阿根廷華僑商會
Address: Florida 844, Local 48 1005, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel: (54) 11-43121858/43266566
Fax: (54) 11-43121959
2 阿根廷華僑華人聯合總會
Tel: (54) 11-50810666
Fax: (54) 11-50810888
1 巴西華僑工商協會
Tel: (55) 11-3834-4562
Fax: (55) 11-3022-9536
2 巴西裡約華僑工商協會
Tel: (55)-21-27118322
Fax: (55)-21-36022166
3 巴西中華總商會
Brazil Chinese General Chamber of Commerce (CCCB)
Address: AV. Pacaembu , 1917—Pacaembusao, Paulo—Sp, Cep:01234—001 Brazil
Tel: (55) 11-38770700 /38770770
Fax: (55) 11-38770770
Email: cccb2004@yahoo.com.cn
Website: http://www.cccbrazil.com.cn/index.php
1 秘魯亞太貿易促進協會
Tel: (51) 1-427 1403, 426 9056
Fax: (51) 1-426-8496
1 智利中華總商會
Chinese-Peruvian Chamber of Commerce
Address: Agustinas 1022, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56) 2-6717131
Fax: (56) 2-6710449
1 巴拿馬中華總會
Chilean Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Tourism
Address: PO Box 0819-1477El Dorado, Panama, Rep. de Panama
(P.O.BOX 0816-07403, Panama, Rep.De Panama)
Tel: (507) 290-1388/290-1688/290-1988/279-0296
Fax: (507) 266-8888/(507) 279-0296
Email: bwwhc@hotmail.com, huangpanama@yahoo.com
1 非洲中華總商會
Chinese General Chamber of Commerce in Africa
邮寄Address: Postent Suite 295, Private Bag X19, Gardenview JHB, South Africa
Tel: (27) 11-6156619/6225025
Fax: (27) 11-6222436
Email: fzs6666@gmail.com, sa@cgcca.org
2 南非中華工商聯合會
Joint Association of Chinese Entrepreneurs & Businessmen in South Africa
Address: P.O.Box 2203, Highlands North 2037, Johannesburg, South Africa
Tel: (27) 11-7861902
Fax: (27) 11-7861912
3 南非洲粵港澳總商會
Southern Africa Canton, HK & Macau Commercial Liaison Association
Address: Building 7, Greenstone Hill Office Park,
Corner Emerald Parkway and Black Rock Street, Modderfontein,
Johannesburg, South Africa.
Tel: (27) 11-6081107/(27) 839660866/(86) 755-33033188
Email: sachm628@gmail.com
1 剛果金中華總商會
La chambre commerce de la republique populaire de chine en r.d.congo
邮寄Address: 中国深圳市宝安南路大信大厦28D
Tel: (243) 8459988/(86) 13924675219
Email: zhang9554@yahoo.com.cn
1 納米比亞中華工商企業聯合總會
Tel: (264) 61265233
Fax: (264) 61265232
1 塞舌耳中國和平統一促進會
Seychelles Association For Peaceful Reunification of China
Address: P.O.Box1338, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles
Tel: (248) 4373718
Fax: (248) 4620668
Email: sc248@126.com
Website: http://www.sc248.com
1 毛裏裘斯華商總會
Chinese Chamber of Commerce Mauritius
Address: Suite 206, Jade Court, Jummah Mosque Street, Port Louis, Republic of Mauritius
Tel: (230) 2420156
Fax: (230) 2420156
Email: admin@cccmauritius.org
Website: http://www.cccmauritius.org
- Europe
1 曼城華人社團聯合會
Federation of Chinese Association of Manchester (FCAM)
Address: 1st Floor, 12 Newton Street, Manchester, M1 2AN, United Kingdom
Tel: (44) 0161 236 3933
Fax: (44) 0161 236 3933
Email: sec@fcam.org.uk
Website: http://www.fcam.org.uk2 倫敦華埠商會
The London Chinatown Chinese Association
Address: 3rd Floor, 45 Gerrard Street, London, W1D 5QQ, United Kingdom
Tel: (44) 20-7851 6686/(44) 20-7437 6888
Fax: (44) 20-7851 7427
Email: Info@lccauk.com
Website: http://www.thelondonchinatown.org.uk; www.lccauk.com3 英國中華工商聯合會
The Confederation of Chinese Business (UK)
Address: c/o Unit 6, Wing Yip Business Centre, 395 Edgware Road,
London, NW2 6LN, United Kingdom
(3rd Floor. 19 Gerrard Street, London, WLD 6JP, United Kingdom)
Tel: (44) 20-7734 3718
Fax: (44) 20-8438 6788
Email: ken.yau@btinternet.com4 西北華商會
Northwest Chinese Chamber of Trade
Address: 15 Northenden Road, Sale, Cheshire, S40 2DD, United Kingdom
Tel: (44) 161-48541935 北愛爾蘭華商總會
Chinese Chamber of Commerce N. I.
Address: 17 Eblana Street, Belfast, BT7 1LD, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
(133-135 University Street, Belfast, BT7 1HQ, United Kingdom)
Tel: (44) 28-90288222/028-9028-8277
Fax: (44) 28-90205063
Website: http://www.bedese.com/community/display.asp?id=53FRANCE
1 法國華人進出口商會
Association Franco-Chinoise de Commerce
Address: 87-95, Avenue Victor Hugo, 93300 Aubervilliers, France
Tel: (33) 1-4833-9291
Website: http://www.franceqw.com/portal-topic-topicid-16.html2 法國華人經貿協會
Tel: (33) 662327899
Fax: (33) 1415709333 法國法華工商聯合會
Association des Commerants et Industriels, Franco-chinois
Address: 41, Rue de la Folie Mericourt, 75011, Paris, France
Tel: (33) 148071805
Fax: (33) 148347629
Email: zhangjianchar@gmail.com4 法國華人貿易促進會
Association des commercants pour le Developpement des Echanges Chine-France
Address: 11, Route de Saint-Leu, 95360 Montmagny, France
Tel: (33) 1-34283572
Fax: (33) 1-48890826/1-39838306/1-398382065 法國中華會館
Association des Chinos en France
Address: 12, Rue Bellot, 75019, Paris, France
Tel: (33) 6-85105588/1-40375512/1-4239-5382
Fax: (33) 1-45867530/6-8638-8716
Email: paulting@free.fr, ming_boupha@hotmail.comGERMANY
1 華僑華人聯合總會
Address: A2503 Steubenstr. 46, D-68001 Mannheim, Germany
Tel: (49) 1717424687
Email: hxz571213@yahoo.com.cnNETHERLANDS
1 鹿特丹區華商會
Vereniging Chinese Ondernemers Rotterdam E.O. (V.C.O.R.)
Address: Mauritsweg 31, 3012 JT, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Tel: (31) 010-2132402/(31) 010-4386-838/(31) 010-214 19 68
Fax: (31) 010-2132402/(31) 010-43807012 阿姆斯特丹華商會
Vereniging Chinese Ondernemers Amsterdam
Address: Geldersekade 116, 1012 BN, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tel: (31) 020-5307272/020-6222820
Fax: (31) 020-5307260/020-62228203 荷蘭華人總會
Address: Oudeweg 2, 7088 SR Hulshorst, Netherlands
Tel: (31) 0654-654-789
Email: cfting@hotmail.com4 荷蘭中國商會
Dutch Chinese Chamber of Commerce(DCCC)
Address: President Kennedylaan 19, 2517 JK, Hague, Netherlands
Tel: (31) 70-3262598
Fax: (31) 70-3262599
Email: info@dccc.nl
Website: http://www.dccc.nlAUSTRIA
1 奧地利華人商會
Tel: (43) 664 2737538
Fax: (43) 1-6024790
Website: http://www.achina.at/00/v-sh.htm2 奧地利奧中國際經濟貿易促進會
Osterreichisch Chinesische Gesellschaft für internationale Wirtschaftsfrderung
Address: Grieskirchner Strasse 75, 4701 Bad Schallerbach, Austria
Tel: (43) 7249-48024
Fax: (43) 724948024 – 14
Email: nitieping@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.oecgiw.com/indexmain.htm3 奧地利中華工商業聯合會
Tel: (43) 0577-8815058/8826848
Fax: (43) 577-88268484 奧地利中國關係促進會
Organisation zur Unterstützung der sterreichisch-chinesischen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen
Address: Theresianumgasse 7/6.Stock, A1040 Wien, Austria
(北京代表处,北京市朝阳光华路甲14 号100020,北京代表处首席代表: 袁忠)
Tel: (43) 1 869 55 24/0086 (10) 5130 9858
Fax: (43) 1 869 55 249/0086 (10) 5130 9764
Website: www.oecb.orgBELGIUM
1 比利時華人經貿商會
Tel: (32) 25381078/25381005
Fax: (32) 25381078ITALY
1 意大利威尼斯華僑華人總商會
Tel: (39) 049 604530
Fax: (39) 049 87662122 意大利羅馬華僑華人貿易總會
Tel: (39) 06-44703039
Fax: (39) 06-493827103 意大利那不勒斯華商會
Associazione Di Commercio Cinese In Napoli
Address: Via Pasguale Scura 56, 80134 Napoli, Italy
Tel: (39) 081-5520888
Fax: (39) 081-5517527
Email: jingquan666@hotmail.com, mandarin.bags@gmail.com, mandarin.bags@tin.it4 意大利華商總會
Tel: (39) 06-8606988/6783406
Fax: (39) 06-862061815 意大利米蘭華僑華人商貿聯合總會
Tel: (39)-02-34922302
Fax: (39)-02-66220316 意大利華商總會普拉托商會
Assiciazione Generale di Commercio Italo-Cinese
Address: Via Pistoiese 73, 59100 Prato(po), Italy
Tel: (39)-57422747
Email: shanghui@interfree.it, lankingcomputer@msn.comNORWAY
1 挪威華商會
Tel: (47) 55 318472
Email: kan-c@broadpark.noPORTUGAL
1 葡萄牙中華總商會
Associacao De Comerciantes E Industriais Luso-Chinesa(, ACILC)
Address: Rua Calcada do Rio, 53, Lj1-L2 Alges, 1495 Lisboa, Portugal
Tel: (351) 2141-21696/(351) 2146-67714/(351) 9640-01198/963 020 896
Fax: (351) 2146-67714/(351) 2146-67973
Email: mhchoi@estoril-sol.com, Zhanpt@gmail.com, summerpt@gmail.comSPAIN
1 西班牙華人企業聯合會
Tel: (34) 916214888
Email: (34) 916214889RUSSIA
1 莫斯科華僑華人聯合會
Tel: (7) 095-7715841/7666518
Email: (7) 095-9741776/2689902 - North America
1 美國華僑總商會
Sino American Chamber
Address: 84 Bowery, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10013, USA
(16 Bowery Street, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10013, USA)
Tel: (1) 212-4313791/(1) 212-2331000/(1) 212-2261000/(1) 212-2199897
Fax: (1) 212-6931571/(1) 212-21993372 美國中華團體工商聯合會
Alliance of Chinese American Group in the USA
Address: 1709 N. Spring St., Los Angeles, CA 90012, USA
(808 N. Spring St, Los Angeles, CA 90012, USA)
Tel: (1) 323-223-1308/(1) 213-626-1855
Fax: (1) 323-223-62183 美國華商(總)會
US Chinese Chamber of Commerce
Address: 2-39 54th Ave. Long Island City, NY 11101, USA
Tel: (1) 718-628-6666
Fax: (1) 718-706-1586
Email: kary@usccc.net, usccc17@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.usccc.net4 美國中國商會
China Chamber of Commerce in USA
Address: The Empire State Building, 350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 7106,
New York, NY 10118, USA
(100 Lighting Way, 4/F, Secaucus, NJ 07094, USA.)
Tel: (1) 212-695-8008/ (1) 201-422-8572/(1) 201-422-8880
Fax: (1) 212-695-0071/ (1) 201-422-8558/(1) 201-392-3754
Email: chinaus.net@verizon.net, chinaus.net@verizon.net5 美國中國總商會- 紐約分會
Chinese General Chamber of Commerce – USA
Address: 19 East 48th Street, New York, NY 10017
Tel: 212-826-5890/212-826-5895
Fax: 212-888-43206 美國華商總會
U.S. Chinese American Association of Commerce
Address: 778 Clay Street, #A, San Francisco, CA 94108, USA
Tel: (1) 415-362-4306
Fax: (1) 415-362-14787 美華總商會
Address: 42-32 College Point Blvd., Flushing, NY 11355, USA.
Tel: (1) 718-888-0668
Fax: (1) 718-888-77388 美國紐約華人總商會
New York Chinese Business Association
Address: 29D Ludlow Street, New York, NY 10002, USA
Tel: (1) 212-349-6800
Fax: (1) 212-349-5050
Email: info@nycba.us
Website: http://www.nycba.us9 紐約中華商會
Tel: (212) 696 4968
Fax: (212) 696 497110 馬裏蘭-中國商業委員會
Maryland-China Business Council, Inc.
Address: 4340 East West Highway, Suite 1100, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA.
(P.O. Box 4136, Crofton, Maryland 21114, USA)
Tel: (1) 410-451-0025/(1) 202-293-6866
Fax: (1) 410-510-1634
Email: mcbc@mcbc.net
Website: http://www.mcbc.net11 休士頓中華總商會
Houston Chinese Chamber of Commerce
Address: 12129 Bellaire Blvd. Houston, TX 77072, USA.
Tel: (1) 713-4984310
Fax: (1) 713-498272812 羅省中華總商會
Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles
Address: 977 North Broadway G/Fl, Suite E, Los Angeles, CA 90012, USA.
Tel: (213) 617-0396
Fax: (213) 617-2128
Email: info@lachinesechamber.org
Website: http://www.lachinesechamber.org13 夏威夷中華總商會
Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii
Address: 8, S King Street, Suit 201, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, USA
Tel: (1) 808-5333181
Fax: (1) (808) 537-676714 底特律中華商會
Detroit Chinese Business Association(DCBA)
Address: 24100 Southfield Road, Suite 320, Southfield, MI 48075, USA.
Tel: (1) 248-327-3856
Fax: (1) 248-557-7141
Email: info@dcba.com, lyan@dcba.com
Website: http://www.dcba.comGUAM
1 關島中華總商會
United Chinese Association of Guam
Address: G5 Hafa Adai Exchange Marine Drive, P. O. Box 8128, Guam 96931
Tel: (671)-646-7218/(671)-646-9778
Fax: (671) 646-7218/(671) 646-9768
Email: fongwu@pacsunny.comCANADA
1 多倫多華商會
Toronto Chinese Business Association (TCBA)
Address: 1220 Ellesmere Road, Unit 13, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M1P 2X5
Tel: (1) 416-595-0313
Fax: (1) 416-595-7334
Email: Office@tcbacanada.com
Website: http://www.tcbacanada.com2 列治文山市•萬錦市華商會
Richmond Hill & Markham Chinese Business Association (RHMCBA)
Address: 360 Highway 7 East, Lower Level One,
Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada, L4B 3Y7
Tel: (905) 731 8806
Fax: (905) 731 8867
Email: info@rhmcba.ca
Website: www.rhmcba.ca3 溫哥華華埠商會
Vancouver Chinatown Merchants Association
Address: 508 Taylor Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6B 6M4
Tel: (1) 604-6828998
Fax: (604) 682 8939
Email: vcma@vancouver-chinatown.com4 加拿大-中國商會
Canada-China Business Association
Address: Suite 825-826, 6081 No.3 Road, Richmond, B.C., Canada, V6Y 2B2
Tel: (1) 604-248-8445
Email: ccba2@ccba.bc.ca, ccba1997@gmail.com
Website: http://www.ccba.bc.ca5 北美/加拿大華人經貿總商會
Tel: (1) 604-6382297
Fax: (1) 604-63822986 加拿大華人經貿總商會
Tel: (1) 905-6950177
Fax: (1) 905-69501787 港加商會
The Hong Kong-Canada Business Association, National (HKCBA)
Address: # 220-1050 West Pender Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6E 357
Tel: (1) 604-684 2410
Fax: (1) 604-684 6208
Email: nationaled@hkcba.com, toronto@hkcba.com
Website: http://www.hkcba.com8 加拿大中華商會
Chinese Business Chamber of Canada
Address: 1027 McNicoll Avenue, Toronto, ON Canada, M1W 3W6
Tel: (1) 416-366-0966
Fax: (1) 416-366-1818
Email: ToCBCC@gmail.com, who@chinesebusiness.ca
Website: www.chinesebusiness.ca; www.chinesebusiness.org9 溫哥華華埠商業促進會
Vancouver Chinatown Business Improvement Area Society
Address: 508 Taylor Street, Vancouver, BC Canada, V6B 6M4
Tel: (1) 604-632-3808
Fax: (1) 604-632-3809
Email: vcbia@vancouver-chinatown.com
Website: http://www.vancouver-chinatown.com10 加拿大中國總商會
Canadian Chinese General Chamber of Industry & Commerce
Address: 250 Consumers Road, Suite 402, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M2J 4V6
Tel: (1) 416-5029199
Fax: (1) 416-9461385
Email: info@ccgc.com
Website: http://www.ccgc.com11 加中企業家協會
SinoCann Entrepreneurs Association
Address: 2900 Steeles Ave. East, P. O. Box 94607, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada, L3T 7R5
Tel: (1) (416) 754-9588
Fax: (1) 905-814-8255
Email: info@CanadaChinaBusiness.com - Asia
1 中國國際貿易促進委員會
China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
Address: 北京復興門外大街1號 (郵編100860)
Tel: (86) 10-88075000
Fax: (86) 10-68011370
Email: webmaster@ccpit.org2 中華全國工商業聯合會
All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce
Address: 北京西城區德勝門西大街70號(郵編:100035)
Tel: (86) 10-58050735
Fax: (86) 10-58050735
Email: acfic@acfic.org.cn
Website: http://www.acfic.org.cnHKSAR
1 香港中華總商會
The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce
Address: 香港中環幹諾道中24-25號香港中華總商會大廈4字樓
﹙4/F., CGCC Building, 24-25 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong)
Tel: (852) 2525-6385
Fax: (852) 2845-2610
Email: cgcc@cgcc.org.hk
Website: http://www.cgcc.org.hkTAIWAN
1 中華海峽兩岸經貿文化協會
Fax: (886)-2-237085672 台灣省進出口商業同業公會
Taiwan Importer & Exporters Chamber of Commerce
Address: 台灣台北市復興北路二號十四樓B座
Tel: (886) 02-27731155
Fax: (886) 02-27731159
Email: service@tiec.org.tw
Website: http://www.tiec.org.tw3 台灣省工業會
Taiwan Provincial Industrial Association
Address: 台灣台北市復興北路二號十四樓B座
Tel: (886) 02-27074339
Fax: (886) 02-27074341
Email: taso@tfoi.org.tw
Website: https://www.tpia-taiwan.org.tw4 台湾全國工業總會
Chinese National Federation of Industries
Address: 台灣台北市復興南路一段390號12樓
Tel: (886) 02-27033500
Fax: (886) 02-2705-8317
Email: cnfi@cnfi.org.tw, tpia@ms17.hinet.net
Website: http://www.cnfi.org.tw/kmportal/front/bin/home.phtml5 台湾工商協進會(台灣)
Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce, Taiwan (CNAIC)
Address: 台灣台北市106復興南路一段390號13F
Tel: (886) 02-27070111
Fax: (886) 02-27070977
Email: service@cnaic.org
Website: http://www.cnaic.org6 世界台灣商會聯合總會
World Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce
Address: 台灣台北市北平東路 30 號 13 樓之 3
Tel: (886) 02-23211822
Fax: (886) 02-23211733
Email: jerry.su@tidgroup.com, wtccmail@ms67.hinet.net
Website: http://www.wtcc.org.tw7台灣工業協進會
Taiwan Federation of Industry
Address: 台灣台北市敦化南路二段2 號3 樓之2
Tel: (886) 02-27074339
Fax: (886) 02-27074341
Website: http://www.tfoi.org.twMACAU SAR
1 澳門廠商聯合會
Industrial Association of Macau
Address: 澳門羅保博士街34-36號廠商會大廈十七樓
Rua do Dr. Pedro Jose Lobo, No.34-36, Edf. A.I.M. 17 andar, Macau
Tel: (853) 2857 4125
Fax: (853) 2857 8305
Email: info@madeinmacau.net, aim@macau.ctm.net
Website: http://www.madeinmacau.net2 澳門中華總商會
Macau Chamber of Commerce
Address: 澳門新口岸上海街175號中華總商會大廈5樓
Rua De Xangai 175, Ed. ACM. 5, Macau
Tel: (853) 28576833
Fax: (853) 28594513
Email: acmmcc@macau.ctm.net
Website: http://www.acm.org.mo3 澳門出入口商會
Address: 澳門殷皇子大馬路60-62號中央商業中心3樓
Av. do Infante D. Henrique No. 60-62, 3oandar, Centro Comercial Central, Macau.
Tel: (853) 28553187/ (853) 28375859
Fax: (853) 28512174
Email: aeim@macau.ctm.net
Website: www.macauexport.comSINGAPORE
1 新加坡中華總商會
Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Address: 9 Jurong Town Hall Road, #04-01, Trade Association Hub, Jurong Town Hall, Singapore 609431
Tel: (65) 6337 8381
Fax: (65) 6339 0605
Email: corporate@sccci.org.sg
Website: www.sccci.org.sgTHAILAND
1 泰國中華總商會
Thai-Chinese Chamber of Commerce
Address: 889 Thai C.C. Tower, 9th Floor, Sathorn Road, Bangkok 10120, Thailand
Tel: (662) 6758574-84
Fax: (662) 2123916
Email: info@thaicc.org
Website: www.thaicc.org2 泰國工業總會
The Federation of Thai Industries
Address: 223/90-91 Country Complex A Bldg. 17th Fl., Sanphawut Road,
Bangna, Bangkok 10260, Thailand
Tel: 66-2-3984671-2
Fax: 66-2-3984672
Email: attathailand@hotmail.com, dahongpao123@hotmail.com
Website: www.thaicci.orgMALAYSIA
1 馬來西亞中華總商會
The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM)
Address: 6th Fl., Wisma Chinese Chamber, 258 Jalan Ampang,
50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: (60) 3-4260 3090/ 3091/ 3092/ 3093/ 3094/ 3095
Fax: (60) 3-42603080
Email: acccim@acccim.org.my
Website: http://www.acccim.org.my2 馬來西亞中國經濟貿易總商會
Malaysia-China Chamber Of Commerce
Address: No 8-2, Jalan Metro Pudu, Fraser Business Park, Off Jalan Yew,
55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: (60) 3-92231188/03-92221506
Fax: (60) 3-9222 1548
Email: mccc.sec@mccc.my
Website: http://www.mccc.myJAPAN
1 橫濱華僑總會
Yokohama Chinese-Overseas Association
Address: 橫濱市中區山下町126番地の1 中華大廈
(No.126-1 Yamashita-cho, Naka-Ku, Yokohama, Japan)
Tel: (81) 456418606
Fax: (81) 456631490
Email: zonghui@yokohama-chinese.gr.jp
Website: http://www.yokohama-chinese.gr.jp2 大阪華僑總會
Osaka Overseas Chinese General Association
Address: 〒550-0004大阪市西區靭本町3-9-18
(3-9-18 Utsubohonmachi, Nishi-Ku, Osaka, Japan)
Tel: (81) 6-64480541
Fax: (81) 6-644805453 日本中華總商會
Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Japan
Address: 〒104-0061 東京都中央區銀座8-2-12 東京華僑會館3F
(Tokyo Kakyo Kaikan 3F, 8-2-12 Ginza Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan)
Tel: (81) 3-3575 5050
Fax: (81) 3-3575 1005
Email: info@cccj.jp
Website: http://www.cccj.jp4 東京華僑總會
Tokyo Association of Chinese Residents
Address: 〒104-0061東京都中央區銀座8-2-12東京華僑會館6F, Tokyo, Japan
Tel: (81)-3 3571 7611
Fax: (81)-3 3572 9657
Email: tkyinfo@tokyo-chinese.com
Website: http://www.tokyo-chinese.com5 神戶中華總商會
Kobe Chinese Chamber of Commerce
Address: Kcc Building 3-1-1 Kaigan – Dori Chuo-Ku Kobe 650-0024, Japan
Tel: (81)-783311277
Fax: (81)-783339454SOUTH KOREA
1 韓國中華總商會
Korea Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KCCCI)
Address: 10 Floor Seoyeong Building, 57-9 Seosomun-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea
Tel: (82) 2-6001-8888
Fax: (82) 2-6001-8889
Email: hwaintimes@hotmail.com
Website: www.kccci.or.krPHILIPPINES
1 菲律濱台灣工商總會
Taiwan Chamber of Commerce & Industry in the Philippines, Inc.
Address: Unit 203 First Global Bldg. 122 Gamboa St. Cor. Salcedo St., Legaspi Village,
Makati City, Philippines
Tel: (63) 2-8929009
Fax: (63) 2-8190323
Email: tccip@hotmail.com
Website: http://tcci.weebly.com/index.html2 菲華商聯總會
Federation of Filipino-Chinese Chambers of Commerce & Industry Inc. (FFCCCII)
Address: 6th Floor, Federation Center, Muelle de Binondo, Binondo
Manila 1006 Philippines
Tel: (63) 2-2419201-5
Fax: (63) 2-2422361/(63) 2-2422347
Email: ffcccii@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.ffcccii.com.ph3 宿霧菲華商會
Cebu Filipino-Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry Inc. (CFCCC)
Address: P. O. Box 163, J Llorente Street (Fuente Osmena), Cebu City, Philippines
Tel: (63) 32-2535586/(63) 32-2552988
Fax: (63) 32-2535583
Email: fanbo_cebu@yahoo.com.ph4 中資企業菲律賓協會
Address: G/F Bank of China, Philam Life Tower, 8767 Paseo de Roxas,
Makati City, Philippines
Tel: (63) 8850470(63) 8850547, 48印度尼西亞
1. 印度尼西亞中華總商會
Indonesian Chinese Entrepreneur Association
地址:Sahid Sudirman Center 57 Floor unit B-C,
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 86, Jakarta Pusat 10220, Indonesia
電話:(62) 21-50868200
電郵: perpitadm@yahoo.com
website: www.perpit.or.id2. 印尼華裔總會
Chinese Indonesia Association
地址:Tower B, MGK Kemayoran, Jl. Angkasa No.kav B6 Lantai 10, Gn. Sahari Sel., Kec. Kemayoran, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10610
電話:(62) 21-29371204
網址:https://inti.or.id/3. 印中商務理事會
Indonesia China Business Council (ICBC)
地址:Maspion Plaza Lt. 6-G, Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 18,
Jakarta 14420 Indonesia
(Gedung Pusat Niaga Lt.4, Arena PRJ Kemayoran, Jakarta 10620 Indonesia)
電話:(62) 21-6470 1262/(62) 21 3910947
傳真:(62) 21-6470 1261/(62) 21-6678353/(62) 21-6612338
電郵: icbccenter@yahoo.comLAOS
1 老撾中國商會
Address: Ban Sithanneua Luang Prang Rd. P.O.Box 2161, Vientiane, Lao.P.D.R.
Tel: (856) 21-213870
Fax: (856) 21-212822
Email: mythliuzg@hotmail.com2 老撾中國和平統一促進會
Dragon World Industries Corporation
Address: 13 Unit 02 Ban Tharluang Tai, P.O.Box 638, Vientiane, Lao P.D.R
Tel: (856) 21-413040
Fax: (856) 21-414156
Email: vlvtrade@yahoo.comBRUNEI
1 汶萊斯巿中華總商會
Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Bandar Seri Begawan
Address: 4th Floor, Chinese Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 72 Jalan Roberts, BSB, BS8711
Negara Brunei Darussalam
Tel: (673) 2235 494/5/6
Fax: (673) 2235 492/3
Email: ccc@brunet.bn
Website: www.bruneichinesechamber.org2 汶萊建築商公會
Brunei Building Contractors’ Association
Address: 7 Bangunan Lo Kum Mui, Simpang 614, Jalan Tutong, G P O Box 532,
Bandar Seri Begawan BS 8671, Negara Brunei Darussalam
Tel: (673) 2-651933
Fax: (673) 2-6519353 汶萊馬來奕縣中華商會
Address: Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Kuala Belait, P.O.Box 68, Jalan Pretty,
Kuala Belait 6000, KA1189, Negara Brunei Darussalam
Tel: (673) 3334374/(673) 8726888
Fax: (673) 3333883
Email: hongft@brunet.bn, cccbrunei@brunet.bnCAMBODIA
1 柬埔寨金邊總商會
Phnom Penh Chamber of Commerce
Address: Building No.7D, Russian Blvd, Sangkat Tek Laok 1,
Khan Toul Kok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Tel: (855) 23-880 795
Fax: (855) 23-881 757
Email: info@ppcc.org.kh
Website: www.ppcc.org.kh2 柬華理事總會
Address: No.110C, Mao Tse Tong Blvd. Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: (855) 23-364266
Fax: (855) 23-2114813 柬埔寨中國港澳僑商總會
The China Hong Kong & Macao Expatriate & Business Association of Cambodia
Address: 2nd Floor, UCB Bldg, No.61, 130 Road Psa Chas Quarter
Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: (855) 23-216880
Fax: (855) 23-216880
Website: http://www.chkmeba.com.khVIETNAM
1 越南中國商會
Business Association of China in Vietnam
Address: Room 403 17t1 Building, Troung Hoa Nhan Chinh, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: (84) 4-35569786/(84) 4-62510025
Fax: (84) 4-62510027
Email: vietchina@qq.com, vietchina@vietchina.comMYANMAR
1 緬甸工商聯合會
The Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI)
Address: No.29, Min Ye Kyawswa Road, Lanmadaw Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel: (95) 1-245607/(95) 1-246673/(95) 1-214344/214349
Fax: (95) 1-289582/(95) 1-214484
Website: www.umfcci.com.mm2 緬甸華商商會
Myanmar Chinese Chamber of Commerce
Address: No.1-5, Shwe Dagon Pagoda Road, Latha Township, Yangon, Myanmar
Tel: (95) 1-246076/(95) 9-5505586/95-501441
Fax: (95) 1-371549
Email: mccoc@myanmar.com.mm, mccoc5@gail.com
Website: http://www.mhwmm.com/user/index.asp?id=4590MONGOLIA
1 旅蒙華僑協會
Tel: (976) 11-687073
Fax: (976) 11-3280782 蒙古國中華總商會
Tel: (976) 11636388
Fax: (976) 11636226 - Oceania
1 新西蘭華人商會
New Zealand Chinese Chamber of Commerce
Address: 19A City Garden, 76 Albert St. CBD, New Zealand
(PO Box:911400 Victoria St. Auckland, New Zealand)
Tel: (64) 9-3651188
Fax: (64) 21538788
Email: gslterry@hotmail.comAUSTRALIA
1 維省華人專業總會
Chinese Professional and Business Association (CPBA)
Address: G. P. O. Box 1811Q, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3001
Tel: (61) 3-417 1455/(61) 3-9608-8427/(61) 3-9225-8427
Fax: (61) 3-419 9864/(61) 3-9642-1141/(61) 3-9225-6732
Email: admin@cpba.com.au
Website: http://www.cpba.com.au2 澳洲維多利亞中華總商會
Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Victoria
Address: 19/8 Wells St., South Melbourne, Victoria 3006 Australia
Tel: (61) 3-9686 3318/(61) 424 663 363
Fax: (61) 3-9686 3328
Email: mail@chinesechambervic.com.au, president@chinesechambervic.com.au
Website: http://www.cccv.com.au3 西澳中華總商會
The Western Australian Chinese Chamber of Commerce Inc. (WACCC)
Address: 1304 Hay Street, West Perth, Western Australia 6005, Australia
(P.O. Box 7324, Cloisters Square, Perth WA 6005, Australia)
Tel: (61) 8-9481 8228/(61) 8-9481 9288
Fax: (61) 8-9481 8288
Email: admin@waccc.com.au
Website: www.waccc.com.au4 澳洲中國和平統一促進會
The Australian Council for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China (ACPPRC)
Address: Suite 97, Level 9, 420 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Tel: (61) 2-9281 8911
Fax: (61) 2-9281 8966
Email: info@acpprc.org.au
Website: http://www.acpprc.org.au5 澳大利亞國際青年商會
Address: P.O. Box 341, Kogarah NSW 2217 Australia
Tel: (61) 2-96876688/(61) 2-95876699
Fax: (61) 2-958871056 南澳中華總商會
Chinese Chamber of Commerce South Australia
Address: 115A Gouger Street, Adelaide 5000, Australia
Tel: (61) 8-8410 5838
Fax: (61) 8-8410 4757
Email: office@chinesechamber.com.au
Website: http://www.chinesechamber.com.au - South America
1 阿根廷華僑商會
Address: Florida 844, Local 48 1005, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel: (54) 11-43121858/43266566
Fax: (54) 11-431219592 阿根廷華僑華人聯合總會
Tel: (54) 11-50810666
Fax: (54) 11-50810888BRAZIL
1 巴西華僑工商協會
Tel: (55) 11-3834-4562
Fax: (55) 11-3022-95362 巴西裡約華僑工商協會
Tel: (55)-21-27118322
Fax: (55)-21-360221663 巴西中華總商會
Brazil Chinese General Chamber of Commerce (CCCB)
Address: AV. Pacaembu , 1917—Pacaembusao, Paulo—Sp, Cep:01234—001 Brazil
Tel: (55) 11-38770700 /38770770
Fax: (55) 11-38770770
Email: cccb2004@yahoo.com.cn
Website: http://www.cccbrazil.com.cn/index.phpPERU
1 秘魯亞太貿易促進協會
Tel: (51) 1-427 1403, 426 9056
Fax: (51) 1-426-8496CHILE
1 智利中華總商會
Chinese-Peruvian Chamber of Commerce
Address: Agustinas 1022, Santiago, Chile
Tel: (56) 2-6717131
Fax: (56) 2-6710449PANAMA
1 巴拿馬中華總會
Chilean Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Tourism
Address: PO Box 0819-1477El Dorado, Panama, Rep. de Panama
(P.O.BOX 0816-07403, Panama, Rep.De Panama)
Tel: (507) 290-1388/290-1688/290-1988/279-0296
Fax: (507) 266-8888/(507) 279-0296
Email: bwwhc@hotmail.com, huangpanama@yahoo.com - Africa
1 非洲中華總商會
Chinese General Chamber of Commerce in Africa
邮寄Address: Postent Suite 295, Private Bag X19, Gardenview JHB, South Africa
Tel: (27) 11-6156619/6225025
Fax: (27) 11-6222436
Email: fzs6666@gmail.com, sa@cgcca.org2 南非中華工商聯合會
Joint Association of Chinese Entrepreneurs & Businessmen in South Africa
Address: P.O.Box 2203, Highlands North 2037, Johannesburg, South Africa
Tel: (27) 11-7861902
Fax: (27) 11-78619123 南非洲粵港澳總商會
Southern Africa Canton, HK & Macau Commercial Liaison Association
Address: Building 7, Greenstone Hill Office Park,
Corner Emerald Parkway and Black Rock Street, Modderfontein,
Johannesburg, South Africa.
Tel: (27) 11-6081107/(27) 839660866/(86) 755-33033188
Email: sachm628@gmail.comCONGO
1 剛果金中華總商會
La chambre commerce de la republique populaire de chine en r.d.congo
邮寄Address: 中国深圳市宝安南路大信大厦28D
Tel: (243) 8459988/(86) 13924675219
Email: zhang9554@yahoo.com.cnNAMIBIA
1 納米比亞中華工商企業聯合總會
Tel: (264) 61265233
Fax: (264) 61265232SEYCHELLES
1 塞舌耳中國和平統一促進會
Seychelles Association For Peaceful Reunification of China
Address: P.O.Box1338, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles
Tel: (248) 4373718
Fax: (248) 4620668
Email: sc248@126.com
Website: http://www.sc248.comMAURITIUS
1 毛裏裘斯華商總會
Chinese Chamber of Commerce Mauritius
Address: Suite 206, Jade Court, Jummah Mosque Street, Port Louis, Republic of Mauritius
Tel: (230) 2420156
Fax: (230) 2420156
Email: admin@cccmauritius.org
Website: http://www.cccmauritius.org